Ants in the Seattle / Puget Sound Region


home pest inspection

Ants in the Seattle / Puget Sound Region

In order to address an ant infestation, one of the first key steps is identifying which type of ants are in or around your home. There are a number of ant species common to the Seattle and wider Puget Sound area, each with their own tendencies. Common varieties found within the home include the odorous […]

Tetramorium immigrans - pavement ant - Cascade Pest Control

Pavement Ants: What to Know

The pavement ant is one of the most common house-infesting ants in the United States. Its habits and appearance have almost come to represent all of ant-hood. They are small, black, trail-leaving critters that eat all kinds of foods and build a cone-shaped anthill near sidewalks and driveways.  Here are a few more things you […]

moisture ant

Moisture Ants: What to Know

From invasive species to native annoyances, ants are everywhere. Moisture ants can be a particularly vexing pest. The Pacific Northwest is no exception. Identifying Moisture Ants Appearance:  Moisture ants are ⅛” inch (4-4.5mm) insects with a yellow to dark brown coloring. They usually have a translucent abdomen.  Habits: This ant specie gets their name because they […]

pharaoh ants

Pharaoh Ants: What to Know

You don’t invite ants to your picnic, so you certainly don’t want them in your home. However, ants seem to be able to creep up anywhere. If you have an ant problem, it can help to know what kind of ant you are facing so you can better combat them. One very notorious little critter […]

Argentine ant - Cascade Pest Control

Argentine Ants: What to Know

Argentine Ants are one of the 100 worst invasive species on earth. Over the last 100 years, they have made inroads from their established range to over six continents and many islands. They have also created quite a foothold right here in the Pacific Northwest. Identifying Argentine Ants Appearance Argentine ants are shiny with dark […]

European Fire Ants Myrmica rubra

European Fire Ants in the Pacific Northwest

When you think of “fire ants” do you think of hot desert climates? Red colored insects? Burning sting? Well, all of those can be true of fire ants, but (believe it or not) the Seattle region and the Pacific Northwest are home to an invasive fire ant as well. While not quite as aggressive as […]

European Fire Ant Myrmica Rubra

Identifying European Fire Ants

When you think “fire ant”, you might think swarming, stinging insects from the south, but perhaps surprisingly, the fire ant threat to the Pacific Northwest seems to hail from across the pond. European Fire Ants are an invasive species that is gaining a foothold in British Columbia and have been found in the Seattle, WA […]

European Fire Ant in Pacific Northwest

History of European Fire Ants

Recently, there are rising concerns regarding European Fire Ants which have made their way into the Seattle and Puget Sound region. The fight against invasive species continues. As our world becomes more connected through trade and commerce, we see so many examples of introduced species that can impact our native environment. What are European Fire […]

ant tunnels

How Ants Build Their Homes: Nature’s Tiny Architects

Ants are tiny, social creatures that can create a big impact. Ant colonies are like large families that work together to survive. Just like all the parts of a body work together, all the parts of an ant colony work together. The social advantage is clear: ants are better protected and more populous than solitary […]

soldier and worker ants

The Hierarchy of the Ant Colony: Queens vs Workers

Ants are fascinating creatures to study, even if they are always welcome in our homes. Understanding ant behavior can help us with ant control. These social insects have a role to play in their culture that dictates what they do. In this post, we explore the any colony and hierarchy of ants. The Queen Ant […]

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