Every city has its drawback, and unfortunately Seattle’s is rats. While the industrial, yet scenic...
Common Fall Pests in the Seattle Region
While it can feel like fall is the beginning of the bug decline, there are...
Common Spider Myths
One of the most notorious household pests, the sight of a spider or its web...
How Do I Get Rid of Ground Wasps?
How to Identify and Remove Ground Wasp Nests While you may be more familiar with...
Tips for Preventative Pest Control
A rodent or pest infestation is many homeowners’ worst nightmare, and rightfully so—the most effective...
What are the Signs I Have a Rodent or Rat Infestation?
Rats, mice, and other common household rodents are unfortunately drawn to the areas of our...
Has Your Attic or Crawl Space Insulation Been Damaged by Pests?
Unfortunately, rodents love Pacific Northwest attics and crawl spaces. These dark, unfrequented spaces give rodents...
Yellow Jacket Nest Treatment
Yellow Jacket Nest Treatment in Seattle—Tacoma Area “Fun” fact about yellow jackets—when they nest...
How to Get Rid of Garden Ants
Getting Rid of Garden Ants The “garden ant” is a colloquial name that simply refers...
Bees & Wasps: What You Need to Know
As the weather warms up and everything is in bloom, bees and wasps become more...