Another common question from our Cascade Pest Control clients. Question: How Often Should I Be...
What Can I Do To Prevent Pests In My Home?
Here is another common question that we are asked at Cascade Pest Control. Question: What...
Are Cascade Pest Control Treatments Safe for My Family?
One big question regarding pest control is safety – for humans and the environment. If...
What Do I Do If I See a Rat or Mouse In My House?
Eek! What is that??? If you’ve ever been startled by the appearance of a mouse...
Pavement Ants: What to Know
The pavement ant is one of the most common house-infesting ants in the United States....
Moisture Ants: What to Know
From invasive species to native annoyances, ants are everywhere. Moisture ants can be a particularly...
Pharaoh Ants: What to Know
You don’t invite ants to your picnic, so you certainly don’t want them in your...
Argentine Ants: What to Know
Argentine Ants are one of the 100 worst invasive species on earth. Over the last...
When to Call an Exterminator for Mice & Rats?
Eeek! No one wants to see a mouse or rat scurry across the floor, but...
European Fire Ants in the Pacific Northwest
When you think of “fire ants” do you think of hot desert climates? Red colored...