Facts About Pantry Moths (Indian Meal Moths)
The pantry moth, or Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) looks similar to the clothes moth – pale in color with a 5/8” wing span. Their varying wing colors, however, distinguishes them from the clothes moth. Pantry moths have a copper reddish brown coloring on their outer wings with a darker brown/black band separating the upper and lower sections of the wing.
As the name implies, the pantry moth feeds on items that would be stored in one’s kitchen pantry, such as grains, flour, spices, rice, dry mixes, bread, pasta, cereal, and more. Keep in mind, this pest will also feed on dry pet food!
Larvae will resemble a waxworm measuring 1/2” long, with brown heads, and will be pale pink, green, or yellow in color. They are typically very active and move quickly because of 3 sets of legs near the head and five sets of legs extending from the abdomen.
Often a pantry moth infestation will start with a trip to the grocery store and are typically brought into your house – hiding in the tiniest cracks and crevices – from food packages, canned goods, and other food containers (like spice jars).
Avoid Pantry Moth Infestation by:
- Inspecting the food packaging in the store BEFORE you bring groceries home
- Once home, wipe down all jars, cans, and packaging with soapy water
- Regularly clean food pantry area – be sure to get into all cracks and crevices. And if using the vacuum, change the bag or canister outdoors
- Replace old shelf paper – and/or wipe it down with a bleach solution
- Store pantry foods in air-tight, tightly-sealed containers
Two-time treatment, spaced about 30 days apart.
Preparation Instructions:
- People and pets must vacate during service for 2 hours.
- Clear cupboards where food is stored in kitchen and pantry. Throw away all infested foods. Also check unopened packages, they may have come from the manufacture already infested. Beetles and Moths, however, can also get into most unopened packaging. (you can store the un infested items on or under the dining room table. As an extra precaution you may want to cover the items with a sheet.
- If you have a space between the top of your upper cabinets and the ceiling make sure you check above the cabinets for any forgotten items.
- Check other cabinets where dishes and/or non-food items are kept to ensure there is not a forgotten food item (i.e. cake mix, rice, corn meal, etc.)
- Some Holiday decorations are often made from food items (cookie ornaments, popcorn string, etc….) these may also be a source point.
- Countertops must be clear we need to access the cracks and crevices around them and the cabinets.
- Due to the life cycles it is important that we do a follow up service (this may have been set when you scheduled the first appointment. If not be sure and have our tech contact the office to schedule the subsequent before you leave.
- The subsequent service does require the same preparation.
Questions? Call 888-989-8979 for immediate service!
© 2020 Cascade Pest Control.