Protecting Our Community

Author: Kurt Treftz, Cascade Pest Control
Cascade Pest Control: Protecting Our Community

Feedback from our Valued Clients

We received some feedback from our clients and wanted to pass on this message to others to help you protect your home.

Hi, I’m Kevin Peterson with Cascade Pest Control. Lately, we’ve been hearing from a lot of our valued clients about other pest control companies using some interesting door to door sales tactics. Often these tactics are aggressive and very misleading.

Today, I wanted to give you some information so that you can be aware and ways that you can protect your home.

First, it’s important for you to know that these are not licensed professionals, but rather professional salespeople. Their whole mission is to get you to sign up for services.

They often use tactics like being familiar with your neighbors or exaggerating a pest issue in some cases to frighten you so that you’ll sign up for their services. Whether you really need to or not.

As you can see from the footage, some of these salespersons can be rather aggressive and very unprofessional.

Client’s experience / feedback: “I had an aggressive salesperson come to my door and tried to scare me into switching services. Thanks to Cascade’s email, I knew what to look out for and sent them on their way.”

Client’s experience / feedback: “It happens every year. Most recently just this past week. I take no joy in letting them know we already have the best in the business, taking care of us.”

We’ve also heard reports from our clients of them tampering with our bait stations. This is not only unprofessional, but it’s potentially harmful.

Client’s experience / feedback: “They tampered with our traps and tried to tell us we had a bigger problem than we did. I’m grateful for the heads up from Cascade.”

Thank you for choosing Cascade Pest Control. We appreciate your trust and continued partnership. For trusted pest control services visit: Or Call 888-989-89799 to request a quote.

About Cascade Pest Control:

Expert Pest Control to Protect Your Home – Environmentally Safe. Effective. Trusted. Since 1979, we are local family owned and operated in the Seattle WA region — Each of us are members of local Pacific Northwest communities. Cascade has pioneered Innovative Pest Solutions to local pest problems, such as rats, rodents, mice, ants, wasps, spiders, termites, and other miscellaneous pests common in the Pacific Northwest region.

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